Self Pay to Medicaid | Self Pay Medicaid Insurance Discovery
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Self Pay accounts to Medicaid Coverage Check
Try Bridgestone Healthcare Revenue’s Automated Insurance Discovery process to find insurance coverage for your Self Pay accounts.
How does it work?
BridgestoneHRS’s Insurance Discovery process, called “Auto-Discover”, takes all facilities Self Pay accounts and searches for both Government and Commercial insurances to verify if the Self Pay accounts do have other insurance coverage, they did not know about.
The ideal way to run the process is for the facility to send a daily file with all their newly registered Self Pay accounts to BridgestoneHRS. We will process all accounts within one hour and return any accounts where we have found/discovered insurance.
What type of results should I expect?
BridgestoneHRS has been running the Auto-Discover process for over 20 years and on average, we find insurance coverage for between 5% and up to 35% of the Self Pay accounts, we query.
What does this translate to in actual additional revenue?
The analysis shows that on average for each account which was previously Self Pay but now has insurance coverage, results in approximately $475 in additional revenue.
In addition to the additional revenue, there are significant savings in manpower for your staff as they no longer need to spend time working on the Self Pay/No Pay accounts.
Try Auto-Discover for free for 30 days
At no cost and no obligation, your facility can try Auto-Discover for 30 days and determine if it works for you. If you already have a vendor performing this service for you, let us run our process in parallel with the other vendor and you will easily be able to see who produces the best results for you.
All you need to do to get started is, create a daily file for your Self Pay accounts and send to BridgestoneHRS. We will do the rest.
Can I run my old historical data through Auto-Discover?
Yes, you can. In fact, we recommend starting with one year of historical Self Pay accounts. The more data run through the process, the better the results will be.
What does Auto-Discover cost?
The cost to run the process is dependent on the size of your facility. Auto-Discover is a fixed monthly fee, meaning you will know exactly what it will cost to run each month. The price stays fixed for at least 12 months.
Case Study
BridgestoneHRS ran the Auto-Discovery at Scripps Healthcare in San Diego. Scripps Healthcare is a five hospital network with approximately 1982 beds. After running Auto-Discovery for 12 months, we identified over 7000 accounts which were registered as Self Pay but in fact had other active coverage.
Who do I contact?
For immediate response, call Wayne Gill at (619) 920-6179 or send email to